The concept and purpose of process inspection

Beneficiation plant to be regular and irregular status of the production process, technical conditions, technical specifications, equipment performance and working conditions, the nature of the raw materials, metal.......

China's mine ecological environment

China's mining activities mainly refer to three parts: ore mining, mineral processing and smelting. There are many types of ecological problems and damages caused by mining activities (Table 1). For example, direct damage to the land by mi.......

Industrial type of gold deposit

For gold deposits, the industrial type of the deposit is called according to its industrial use value and practical significance, especially the industrial type classified according to the characteristics of the ore processing technology such .......

Current domestic scrap application characteristics

The face of scrap per ton of steel consumption decreased year by year, iron ore consumption of substantial growth situation, China scrap iron and steel applications Association asserted that the future will be gradually replaced by e.......

Prevention and protection of mine environmental problems

The prevention and control of mine environmental problems mainly include: prevention and control of “three wastes” (waste water, waste gas, waste residue), mine land reclamation and ground subsidence (collapse) in goaf, mudslide, karst collapse and other disaster .......